Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covidiary #7

With it being the Easter weekend but no end in sight for the lockdown, with the best part of a thousand deaths a day in the UK from the pandemic, I'm going to have to work with what I've got. For instance, the radio transmitter of choice ~ the Taranis X-Lite from China ~ is out of stock everywhere due restricted supplies, so it is going to be a question of begging, stealing or borrowing (and most likely the latter).

I shall therefore pursue the reconstruction of the working prototype in the form of a quad, which at least means that I've an abundance of spare motors, propellers and electrical speed controllers. In this vein the lower module becomes the undercarriage, for which I already ordered as set of castors yesterday as an alternative to skids.

Accordingly to I paint the base matt black instead of Post Office red, in accordance with the design (by Bruce Martin, a fan of modular construction) from which I drew the inspiration: