Friday, March 8, 2019

Hot off the press...

I don't have an autoclave like Airbus, but this is the next best thing.

With the spar-uppers lavishly smeared with metal epoxy and the foam-infill liberally coated with polyester resin, on goes the top-plate and then I bang in the forty rivets that secure it.

Then it's overlain by a metal drip-tray ~ actually one of those metal posters that read 'Man Cave' along with the applicable rules ~ and action-man weights. I then pour three kettle's-worth of boiling water over it, so that it looks momentarily like a chocolate fountain.

The whole is then snugged up under a dust-sheet, and left to stew in its own juices while I go for tea and cake.

I don't do this for my own entertainment (well, actually I do) but because I worked with a fibreglass fabricator once and learned how to accelerate resins.... and with less than two hours 'til 05:00 pm Friday we're anxious for the roll-out to stay on schedule.

It's already involved me missing a yoga lesson this week, but as Otto Lilienthal said after his fatal accident, sacrifices have to be made.