I delay fitting speed-controllers (ESCs) at this stage to make the airframe easier to work on. Besides, it's important that we set up another look-and-feel session with the test-pilot (who insists on Recaro when it comes to his seating arrangements).
Blade clearance is clearly tight, but then the seat will be elevated and the propellers shrouded to an extent later on to compensate. Worth knowing too that the airframe is slightly under-sized even at half-scale, a result of having been constructed by leftover parts in the workshop.
As a result the perimeter lengths that run around the square which defines the frame run to only .85 metre instead of 1.00 metre, meaning that the propeller axes would be pitched around three-inches further from the centre-section in both directions.
By way of a 'development program' this iteration will likely be programmed for flight in parallel with a rebuild at metre-size, meaning in turn that the electrical equipment can be transferred across with no change in operability.
That said, working now on this vanilla-flavoured quadcopter instead of the octocopter, there's four of everything left over... and enough to build prototype serial number #2.