Sunday, December 29, 2024

Lose the Boat

As if to demonstrate that cats need be no wider than monos excepting the arc of each propeller, I replaced the original centre-section of one of the two test-types with that used previously in the mono... rigging the propellers to check clearance still obtains.

I figured the craft would look too narrow, although it actually does not. It's three times as long as it is wide, and whenever I have produced models in the past they appeared to look okay so long as that ratio was anywhere between two and a half and three to one.

Humans have long preferred some proportions over others: the ancient Greeks are the first to have described the 'Golden Ratio' and have used it ever since for sandwiches.

What we're trying to do here though is to produce a watercraft the equal of any other in respect of speed, endurance, range and sea-keeping ability while removing as much of the material involved as possible: still speeding on water, but without the boat.