In all fairness to our friends at Lancs Powerboat Racing Club, they were concerned as to how the prototype might be controlled during speed week at Coniston. Especially as with the course a mile long, it'd be out of sight (if not range) as it crossed the line. To my mind this could only add to its entertainment value, though suitably chastened here's my solution for safely testing the wiring whilst ideally wearing a hi-vis tabbard.
I've called it a 'buddy board' and although this is a name I just made up, we shall run with it. In fact made with care it could prove to be a friend for life, with the advantage it won't turn up on your doorstep or need giving a passing thought to.
Representing the flat-cat power-train from left to right are therefore (a) 22v battery-pack (b) speed controller (c) electric motor, whilst centrally located are (d) 6v power supply for (e) RC receiver.
It'll be rigged for differential thrust so that no rudders are required, with the pusher propellers running anti-clockwise and clockwise as viewed from the rear.
The timber was free from the yard around the corner, which wholly suits our budget.