Saturday, September 14, 2024

Apres Ski

None of you have been asking how to tote five metres of uPVC architrave ~ used here for hydroskis ~ in the average station-wagon.

And so you should have, but here's how to do it in a station-wagon of below-average dimensions... by temporarily coiling it up and taping the ends. Note too how the upper spars can be slotted in too, at a length of 2.40 metres or eight feet.

Ignore the plasterboard, however, which has no place in boat-building.

The skirting (or architrave, depending on whatever floats your boat) has a chamfer that will be set on the outside of the turn, and of course the right way up. Despite the fact the product is advertised for internal use, be assured I've been on to the manufacturer to ask whether it will sustain fifty-knots on seawater as a part of our risk-assessment: