Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Unbearable Lightness of Ski-ing.

Well good progress on the day, and it looks a reasonable test-bed for our concept viz. a boat that might elevate itself into the air and hover over to launch itself upon water.

I am especially pleased that the entire build is 'Home Depot' doable (or 'B and Q-able' here in the UK), and I view this as the best use of two lengths of uPVC skirting-board that I've ever seen.

There are a few things I shall change come the next build, but as Ol' Blue Eyes once sang, too few to mention.

Automobile designers talk about the 'stance' of a vehicle, and whilst this one here is not spot on to my eyes, it ain't far off.

That skirting incidentally is simply screwed to the underside of the sponsons and then secured with a sliver of sanitary silicone.