Saturday, July 6, 2024

One Step Forward and Two Back

This is another reason for living a project-free life: despite the timber specification on the website being 25mm x 25mm, I look at it thinking it's very thin as inches go... and yes, it's 20mm x 20mm.

Which naturally does not match the foam I've just bought, which will need returning.

If I complain I know they'll just say it's PAR (planed-all-round) and that I should have guessed that the measurements listed would be nominal.

But they're not, are they, because they're precisely 20mm: so why not call it 20mm timber? 

Because that would be too easy, wouldn't it, they adapting to us and not we to them?

I would call to ruin their weekend, but they finish at noon on Saturdays so I'll save it for Monday morning when they're at their lowest ebb.

Fortunately there is 20mm thick foam sheet out there, but I'll need to travel to get it.

I call myself as chief designer to say that I just cut buoyancy by 20%, and then put my chief designer hat on and choke on my cappuccino.

Imagine what might have happened were the Titanic built like this...