Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Oh, We Do the Okoume... Oh, We Do the Okoume!

I've been browsing the web in order to choose a sheet laminate for the sides and deck of our flying boat. An obvious choice is carbon-fibre, seen as sexy by most designers, but only so you can wave it like a Rolex to show how rich and clever you are.

Sheet alloy is comparatively cheap, but the first site I looked at in Nottingham wanted £50 for the material and over £400 for delivery. WTF, I asked them... you sending it on a summer holiday?

Am drawn however to this nice man's hardwood ply up in the Lake District, which is as inexpensive an option as any, beside drawing upon a rich tradition of boat-building. As a consequence I plan to take the trailer up there and join him in a tot of rum and a few "Ahaaars."

Somewhere though a monkey has woken up and is wondering where it's tree has gone.