Sunday, March 24, 2024

Homebuilt Helo #4

We could use CAD/CAM for this exercise, I've chosen to use the conservatory instead.

For we need a broad brush idea that the dimensions guesstimated prior to amputation of the chair legs are still good to go, and it appears that they are ~ basically a box that is 15" square.

The seat is actually wider than it is deep, although we shall forego the temptation ~ it being a Sunday ~ to base the airframe on an off-square foot-print.

I've done this in the past with stand-in booths, simply because people are generally a bit wider than they are deep unless they regularly supersize at McDonalds.

At the end of the day tho' it offends my sense of symmetry, and I'm not having it.

For this exercise you need scrap tubing, three-way tube-connectors and conservatory.