Saturday, November 26, 2022

Life of Py... thagoras

Am probably not the only one to have sat in class wondering what use geometry had for anyone, and in fact it might have helped if we'd been told what the word meant at the outset: a means of measuring where we live. In truth it came up again in various studies toward a commercial pilot licence, though I've probably re-forgotten that now.

Here though a check on what size propeller we can fit, by taking the lengths between the corner and each axis and squaring them to find (by adding the result together) the square of the longer side. Take the square root of the sum ~ as you can do on a phone ~ and you've 29.25". This in turn gives a gap of over an inch between propeller tips.

By reversing the calculation you can of course calculate how large a given frame has to be to suit a given propeller... something I maybe should of thought of before asking the aluminium supplier to cut to stock metre lengths? The answer being a 40" frame so long as you can accept a half-inch of tip-clearance.

Which would make it just that bit easier to get into the car... life though, isn't it? From hereon in then ~ sticking to Imperial measures ~ I shall ever refer to it as a 40" frame.