Saturday, November 19, 2022

Half-Scale Build #1

The tools of our trade. The reason I defer the use of professional fabricators able to draft and weld airframes ~ at least at prototyping stages ~ is so as not to be at their beck and call. I also promised that whatever we build, we can do so in the garage with hand-tools or else on the trestle-table indoors.

Clockwise from top left, silicone sealant. Don't use decorators caulk even if you've left overs, because it runs in the rain... as I can attest.

Pop-riveter, and I've found the cheap ones to have been as good as the expensive. My rivet of choice is the now-legendary 4mm by 12mm shank that requires three pumps of the gun.

Tube-connector, one off corner seen here. They do come with steel inserts which does up your game, albeit at the expense of considerable weight: must-have for passenger versions but not so much here.

Alloy tubing inch-by-sixteenth, drones for the use of.