Although an 'H' configuration is quite amenable, there's been much to commend this layout as the literal basis for renewed work on the prototype, which promises a return to my GoFly challenge roots viz. accommodation box, no matter how tight the confines and with which to contain an upright operator equipped with a quadcopter above and below.
What you see is very much what you'll get (except it'll be scaled a little to support an adult, although this should lift a mannekin based upon past flight experience). With Rome not having been built in a day, the lower quadcopter layout that this represents is dedicated to lift alone, or 'collective' in helicopter parlance. That way it is decidedly easier to configure, requiring only a conventional transmitter and receiver.
We're (who am I kidding, "I'm") betting the farm on this working out of the box so long as the upper quad proves to be independently stable. Can't be sure of course, though nothing ventured as ever is nothing gained and I shall furnish the website accordingly so that anyone can join in. This one I've posted as a technical disclosure, not least as the UK Patent Office rather cocked up my last design submission and 'cause it's free.
It's also something I can do myself: the philosophy from henceforth being if it cannot be done by a suitably-trained chimpanzee then it shouldn't be done at all. I have from time to time emailed YouTubers to see if they'd be interested in a 'collab' as the young are wont to say, but never get a reply. The last I contacted is managed by an agency in LA, who doubtless screen the spoilt brat's correspondence. Emails are so trite a form of communication nowadays ~ a little like saying 'hello' to a stranger in the street ~ it's no surprise that they rarely occasion a rejoinder.
Fuck you tubers anyway, however.