Friday, July 5, 2019

Incy-Not-So-Wincy Spider

On two minds about whether to order the body or the legs first, and opt for the latter. Back to Simmal in Preston who turn the order around in thirty minutes and I come away with a full set of 39" spars.

The section I've gone for is 2" by 1" by 1/16" so we're back into Imperial measures, what with 32" props too.

Reason I've gone for 39" is the fact the alloy retails in 5.0 metre lengths, and given the width of the blade used for cutting it, you can squeeze five of these out of each unit with no waste left over.... I'm that mean.

Happily it means that I've ten spars in all, with two left over to go toward repeat builds.

Bit nervous at the weight loading them into the Jimny, but then remember there's two to split from the pack.

And turns out they weigh less than 625 grams (1.33 pounds) apiece, which is almost half the weight of the altogether thicker spars I used for the original alloy build seen here.

It means I've doubled the number of rotor-arms without significantly increasing the weight, in the way that we've doubled the number of motors, propellers and ESCs to the same effect.

Gryphon incidentally are heavy-drone manufacturers in Korea and we simply share a common UK distributor who in turn imports the T-motors that power both efforts.

They lift cargo, however, whereas we intend to lift people.