After a touch-up in NATO green ~ sorry about that, Vlad ~ the prototype is put through a Teledrone 'A' check to establish whether its airframe is able to support my own 75kg frame. Creaks and gives a little as it should, rewarding my punt on 3mm spars for the rotor-arms.
But no ex-works shakedown is complete without a 'B' check, involving a full suite of wheelie-bins in lieu of anything more practical. For the engineers amongst you, green is for garden waste; blue for tins and bottles; green for paper and grey for general waste.
With commander Neil Armstrong settled into the flight-compartment (albeit stripped of his pullover due constriction) we're go for Tranquility.
We move next to the 'C' check, swinging me inside the lunar-lander from the rafters... a procedure every astronaut will surely have undergone to acclimatise to weightlessness.
And all before tea.