Saturday, February 23, 2019

Paint Shop

Delightful little airframe to work on at the build stage. Here it is getting its first lick of 'Post Office Red'. Loosely based on he last of the GPO's cast iron panel-built phone-boxes, the K8.

Of course such phone boxes would have been glazed on just three sides (the back-side would generally be parked up against the wall and used of course to mount equipment and wiring).

This gives me a further prod to mod the design and in fact I am going to imitate this and fit the avionics bay in the back wall.

This has environmental advantages (less likely to get damp or flooded) besides those related to production and maintenance.

The electrical engineer will, I feel, be happier with the more user-friendly means of access.

There are some components that may (like gyros or GPS receivers etcetera) that may require mounting horizontally, but these are ~ small ~ fences that we can cross as we come to them.