I've plucked a couple of battery-packs from the conservatory (where if they catch fire they shouldn't take the house with them) and here is one of them on charge. Realise I'm teaching granny to suck LiPos here, but attach the cable to the charger first and reverse the sequence on the way out. Note the charger has recognised that it's a LiPo battery with six (3.7V) cells that amount to 22.2V, so we're cooking on gas. Or electric.
Why do they describe a 2.9 amp/hour battery as 2900mAh? It's really only to separate the geeks from normal people, and to make us buy calculators with bigger displays. But Google says a safe charging rate for a LiPo battery-pack is that same rating, meaning it should take an hour to charge at 2.9 amps. I've gone for 2.0 amps here as you can see.
BALANCE means each of the six cells is being charged in parallel, though it does bear a passing resemblance to my savings account.