Friday, October 30, 2020
Stab Trim
Thursday, October 29, 2020
A Funny Thing Happened...
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Zero Fuel, What?
For the 'ZFW' of an eVTOL could be considered to be its weight in the absence of batteries, given that an unfuelled electrical drone weighs exactly the same as a fuelled. I would say that this affords us a deal of slack when it comes to listing that 'zero-fuel weight'.
And just one more way in which the law ~ like the rest of us ~ never sees the future coming until such time as it is practically upon us.
I've a meeting to discuss a TV doc on this emergent tech, and this is one of the things I shall point out.
That at one point it seems stuff is never going to happen, and next moment it's all around us and we actually forget that we ever did question whether it ever would.
Two examples from my own (now overly extended) life, in shape of video calls and flat-screens.
The former technology dates back to Germany of the 1930s and was ever promised afterward, but invariably rolled over until Skype happened, and then everyone was at it.
And regards flat-screen TVs, one day you walk into a department store like John Lewis ~ and I'm profiling myself here ~ and they've refused to stock anything but flat-screen TVs.
I have a horrible feeling that any time soon we'll all be flying around in electrical vehicles, in whose history I shall appear as a mere footnote.
Oh tempora, o mores!
Monday, October 26, 2020
(Hi) Jack Tar
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Broken Windows
Which is no more than I expected. After some hours of my life, so far as I can tell it won't run the software because it's a 'home' and not 'pro' edition of the operating system, and doesn't allow any program beside that in the Microsoft nursery to be downloaded and subsequently run.
Or at least without administrator rights belonging to the upgraded version, which costs fifty per cent of the cost of the (very nice) HP laptop. To the average programmer, this and the various workarounds are a positive joy on a Saturday afternoon... a time better spent for most of us at the shops buying an Apple instead.
It was Edison whom I believe selected the 4:3 format for the original photographic film and the moving pictures that followed, and TVs followed suit and stayed that way for decades. My feeling is that operating systems exert the same influence, such that scientific software written originally for DOS would remain trapped there ad infinitum.
There are apps out there for controlling drones that run on phones and laptops, but I guess for now I shall stump up the extra £120 and live with what I've got. At the same time I cannot help feeling that products which people buy through gritted teeth will eventually lose market share in the way that unpopular regimes are eventually toppled ~ and the current state of play is Android 39%, Windows 36%, iOS 14% and OSX 8%.
I do remember the introduction of PCs and recall the split being something like MS DOS 99% and Unix 1% back then, in the days when Microsoft saw 'a PC on every desk' before realising that Apple aimed instead at a PC in every home and an iPhone in every pocket.
And decades on, here's me with 'a helicopter in every garage'.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Bend and Break?
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Rotor Talk
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Rings a Bell?
Monday, October 19, 2020
Sturm Und Drone
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Highs and Lows
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Bring Him Home
I'd a notion that the octopus has two brains (in fact it has nine) and wholly overlooked the fact that the average human has effectively two brains, albeit linked.
It's not a bad corollary for the logic of systemic redundancy however, as human beings thriving after the loss of one hemisphere of the brain are not unknown.
There's even a term for the deliberate removal of one half... hemispherectomy.