I always begin (and have always begun) with a sketch. Whether or not such an outline as this is ever used for sea-going drones, it's unlikely to be me that's involved.
So instead of kidding myself this could ever be a corporate venture, let's put a dummy and give it an outing on the water... and then walk away.
Its advantage of over the conventional is that it disconnects the hull from the planing surface, with what sits at the centre like a four-poster adaptable to any length of ski.
So that while doubling the length of existing boats increases materials and complexity disproportionately, here it doesn't.
Ray Kurzweil says in his documentary 'Transcendent Man' describes how he designs for the direction in which technology is evolving.
And with electrical motors evolving and linked to ever larger airscrews, their advantage over water-screws used as here will become self-evident.
Whether I'll be there to see it is something else. Either way it's unlikely to happen here in the UK, where ideas go to die.
Though it may yet be worth an outing on a crowd-funding platform in the US, suitably adapted for human beings.
For drones inspire few, but kill many.