Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fast Fashion... ing.

To make a start on the 'captain's cabin' I've drawn upon material leftovers to concoct a form of canoe, or safety cell. It's like a Formula One safety cell, but nearer Formula Thirty-Five.

Ordinarily this would be assembled from plastic or composite extrusions joined with three-way tube-connectors, but they come more expensive than the stuff lying around on the garage floor. In fact the tube-connector salesman called only the other day: I think they're missing me.

The cross-bars will terminate at the uprights which form the space-frame supporting skis on the underside, and prows and motor-mounts elsewhere.

In fact the only thing curved on this boat are the skis, and even they are stored flat. We're talking IKEA on ice, the boat deconstructed to the point Jacques Derrida wants a ride in one.

It was I think for my 14th birthday that I awoke to find a canoe in the lounge, and here I am fifty years on planning to sit in one driven by air.